Will These 4 Skills Help Future-Proof Your Career? Source: Bernard Marr
Could your job be done by a robot?
It’s a serious question.    As big data, machine learning, AI and other technologies continue to advance at a furious pace, more and more jobs are falling into the category of those that could be automated and done by a computer or a robot.
Factory workers, assembling the same widget over and over again, used to be the only ones who had to worry about robots taking over their jobs, but no longer. Drivers, waiters, cashiers, customer service representatives, and a whole host of other professions are suddenly on the cusp of being at risk. Even some high-paying professional jobs, like diagnosticians and lawyers may find some or all of their jobs being outsourced.
In which case, the question becomes: which jobs are safe?
Oxford has estimated that as many as 35 percent of U.K. jobs are at risk from automation in the next 25 years. So what career path should you take if you want to be safe? They tend to fall into a few categories:
Creativity and skill
Actors, artists, professional athletes, musicians and the like should be very safe from automation.
At this point, it’s nearly impossible for a computer to replicate creativity. A computer could create a painting or a poem, using other paintings or poems as a guide, but that’s not true creativity. Likewise, very few people are going to be interested in watching a robot play football or race a bike in the Tour de France; the joy of sports is watching the humans compete.
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