Purdue University (3129 bytes) (2020-03-20)
Leda Zimmerman (6026 bytes) (2020-03-18)
Rob Matheson (7985 bytes) (2020-03-18)
Ingrid Fadelli (5169 bytes) (2020-03-18)
University of California (2568 bytes) (2020-03-18)
Li Yuan, (2317 bytes) (2020-03-17)
Yale University (4006 bytes) (2020-03-17)
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (7500 bytes) (2020-03-16)
Joshua Baxt (3516 bytes) (2020-02-25)
University of Southern California (10746 bytes) (2020-02-25)
Purdue University (3256 bytes) (2020-02-14)
California Institute of Technology (1373 bytes) (2020-01-09)
Kim Martineau (4333 bytes) (2020-01-06)
Ingrid Fadelli , (3451 bytes) (2020-01-06)
The Ohio State University (3399 bytes) (2020-01-06)
NICT (4939 bytes) (2019-12-15)
Ingrid Fadelli (3391 bytes) (2019-10-07)
Rachel Gordon (5748 bytes) (2019-07-01)
Brian Huchel, (4890 bytes) (2019-06-19)
Singapore University of Technology and D (2585 bytes) (2019-06-19)
Matt Shipman (3443 bytes) (2019-06-11)
Rob Matheson (6548 bytes) (2019-06-11)
Ingrid Fadelli (3694 bytes) (2019-06-11)
Nancy Cohen (5455 bytes) (2019-06-11)