TechNews Pictorial PriceGrabber Video Sat Oct 5 08:24:55 2024


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  • Generative AI models are encoding biases and negative - Trinity College Dublin (3493 bytes) (2023-06-25)
  • New method to identify symmetries in data using Bayesian statistics - Osaka Metropolitan University (2296 bytes) (2022-09-21)
  • New stable quantum batteries can reliably store energy - Institute for Basic Science (5480 bytes) (2022-09-15)
  • Scientists see spins in a 2D magnet - Columbia University (3738 bytes) (2022-09-15)
  • Using AI to train teams of robots to work together - University of Illinois Grainger College (2957 bytes) (2022-08-15)
  • Deep learning for new alloys - University of Texas at Austin (5971 bytes) (2022-07-29)
  • The best semiconductor of them all? - Massachusetts Institute of Technology (7123 bytes) (2022-07-29)
  • Two Chinese teams claim to have reached primacy with quantum computers - Bob Yirka (2450 bytes) (2022-03-29)
  • Using Artificial Intelligence To Find Anomalies Hiding in Massive Datasets in Re - Adam Zewe (6211 bytes) (2022-03-29)
  • MIT Develops New Programming Language for High-Performance Computers - Steve Nadis (5450 bytes) (2022-03-06)
  • A Security Technique To Fool Would-Be Cyber Attackers – Method Safeguards a Comp - Adam Zewe (6810 bytes) (2022-03-06)
  • Unlocking new doors to artificial intelligence - Lauren Hinkel (7078 bytes) (2022-03-06)
  • Teaching robots to think like us - American Institute of Physics (2548 bytes) (2021-11-13)
  • When algorithms get creative - University of Bern (3534 bytes) (2021-11-13)
  • MIT’s New Neural Network: “Liquid” Machine-Learning System Adapts to Changing Co - Daniel Ackerman (5228 bytes) (2021-10-22)
  • A new way to solve the ‘hardest of the hard’ computer problems - Ohio State University (5915 bytes) (2021-09-26)
  • Researchers find a way to check that quantum computers return - University of Vienna (3223 bytes) (2021-09-08)
  • Using artificial intelligence for early detection and treatment of illnesses - Technische Universität Dresden (2858 bytes) (2021-09-08)
  • How hackers can p~ppoisonp~p open-source code - Adam Conner-Simons, Cornell University (3605 bytes) (2021-08-14)
  • Signed languages - Aaron Aupperle (3960 bytes) (2021-08-14)
  • New cybersecurity technique keeps hackers guessing - U.S. Army Research Laboratory (3329 bytes) (2021-08-06)
  • AI learns to predict human behavior from videos - Columbia University School of Engineerin (4836 bytes) (2021-07-06)
  • Computers predict peoplep~ps tastes in art - California Institute of Technology (5428 bytes) (2021-06-23)
  • Researchers fine-tune control over AI image generation - North Carolina State University (3130 bytes) (2021-06-08)
  • New algorithm for modern quilting - Stanford University (4389 bytes) (2021-06-08)
  • Study explores privacy of prison communications - Daniel Tkacik (5321 bytes) (2021-05-26)
  • Two new attacks break PDF certification - Ruhr-Universitaet-Bochum (2974 bytes) (2021-05-26)
  • Spectre Strikes Back: New Hacking Vulnerability Affecting Billions of Computers - University of Virginia (8651 bytes) (2021-05-26)
  • Pushing Computing to the Edge With Innovative Microchip Design to Make AI Access - Princeton University (7709 bytes) (2021-05-26)
  • Artificial intelligence that more closely mimics the mind - Zach Winn (7261 bytes) (2021-03-23)
  • Beauty is in the brain: AI reads brain data, generates personally attractive ima - University of Helsinki (4482 bytes) (2021-03-11)
  • Researchers discover that privacy-preserving tools leave private data anything b - NYU Tandon School of Engineering (3679 bytes) (2021-03-04)
  • New machine learning theory raises questions about nature of science - DOE/Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (6508 bytes) (2021-02-16)
  • Neural network has learned to identify tree species - Tech Xplore (1710 bytes) (2021-02-03)
  • Tweaking AI software to function like a human brain improves computerp~ps learni - Georgetown University Medical Center (3380 bytes) (2021-01-19)
  • New module for OpenAI GPT-3 creates unique images from text - Bob Yirka (1981 bytes) (2021-01-06)
  • Teaching AI agents to type on a Braille keyboard - Ingrid Fadelli (4484 bytes) (2021-01-06)
  • Machine learning at the speed of light: New paper demonstrates use of photonic s - Maggie Pavlick (4479 bytes) (2021-01-06)
  • Developing a better way to address vulnerabilities at the source-code level - James Badham (5419 bytes) (2020-12-26)
  • Exploring the notion of shortcut learning in deep neural networks - Ingrid Fadelli (5893 bytes) (2020-12-26)
  • Self-learning algorithms for different imaging datasets - DKFZ (3399 bytes) (2020-12-12)

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