HAL wins: Computer program bests humans at p~pSpace Invaders - Seth Borenstein (4207 bytes) (2015-02-26)
Researcher tackles some of the biggest bottlenecks holding b - Eric Brown (7064 bytes) (2015-02-26)
HAL wins: Computer program bests humans at p~pSpace Invaders - Deep Q (3974 bytes) (2015-02-25)
Eye tracking is the next frontier of human-computer interact - Melodie Vidal (5052 bytes) (2015-02-23)
Team develops web tool to speed data collection - Kalinauskas (4198 bytes) (2015-02-23)
Removing the communication barrier between humans and comput - DARPA (3569 bytes) (2015-02-23)
Apple, Linux, not Windows, most vulnerable operating systems - Ms. Smith (4612 bytes) (2015-02-22)
Upgrade to core HTTP protocol promises speedier, easier web - Peter Maynard (4884 bytes) (2015-02-21)
Algorithm Enables Simulation of Ultrafast Processes - Rachel Berkowitz (3242 bytes) (2015-02-21)
Patterns in large data show how information travels - Umea University (3124 bytes) (2015-02-19)
New algorithms locate where a video was shot from its images - Xavier Sevillano (3513 bytes) (2015-02-19)
Criminologist p~phacksp~p the hacker - Kansas State University (3594 bytes) (2015-02-17)
Computer program uses video selfies for mental health monito - Antonio Pasolini (3239 bytes) (2015-02-17)
Java vs. Node.js: An epic battle for developer mind share - Peter Wayner (11285 bytes) (2015-02-17)
How DARPAp~ps Memex search engine could help your business - Katherine Noyes (2944 bytes) (2015-02-15)
Evolutionary approaches to big-data problems - Eric Brown (7470 bytes) (2015-02-09)
Machine learning offers insights into evolution of monkey fa - New York University (3714 bytes) (2015-02-06)
A picture is worth 1000 words, but how many emotions? - University of Rochester (3785 bytes) (2015-02-06)
The First Ubuntu Phone Wonp~pt Rely On Apps. Herep~ps Why Th - Jay Cassano (6947 bytes) (2015-02-06)
Buffer overflows are the ghosts that will always be among us - John Clark (4771 bytes) (2015-02-03)
Researchers improve artificial intelligence algorithms for s - Aaron Dubrow (7984 bytes) (2015-02-03)
Students aim to enhance crypto-currency transparency - Thomas Deane (3782 bytes) (2015-02-03)
Computer modeling study reveals the lethal dynamics of a San - Mark Bello (2850 bytes) (2015-02-02)
New mathematical theory may explain patterns in fingerprints - Massachusetts Institute of Technology (5331 bytes) (2015-02-02)
Taking a Network Approach to Building Trustworthy Big Data A - Emily Ayshford (3599 bytes) (2015-02-02)
Building Artificial intelligence - Michael Reynolds (4654 bytes) (2015-02-01)
Cryptographic algorithm can prevent unwanted sharing of pers - IBM (7770 bytes) (2015-01-30)
Your coding style can give you away - Phil Johnson (4294 bytes) (2015-01-30)
Parallelizing common algorithms - Larry Hardesty (5635 bytes) (2015-01-30)
New to deep learning? Here are 4 easy lessons from Google - Derrick Harris (5553 bytes) (2015-01-30)
New search engine lets users look for relevant results faste - Aalto University (2462 bytes) (2015-01-27)
New programming language for fast simulations - SINTEF Group (5026 bytes) (2015-01-26)
Analysis yields better optimization algorithms for engineeri - Larry Hardesty (5643 bytes) (2015-01-21)
Software teaches computers to translate words to math - Liz Ahlberg (4709 bytes) (2015-01-21)
Addressing fast community detection and other related data p - Liz Ahlberg (14458 bytes) (2015-01-21)
10 Cool Network and Computing Research Projects - Bob Brown (5324 bytes) (2015-01-21)
Steam on Linux bug can delete all user??s files - JC Torres (2643 bytes) (2015-01-17)
Computer model could help anticipate overreactions to diseas - David L. Chandler (3344 bytes) (2015-01-16)
Evolutionary approaches to big-data problems - Eric Brown (7418 bytes) (2015-01-16)
New ?°better Siri?± algorithm can calculate risk - Jiaying Shen (3944 bytes) (2015-01-16)
Artificial intelligence helps predict dangerous solar flares - Leslie Willoughby (5570 bytes) (2015-01-15)