A language learning system that pays attention -- more efficiently than ever bef - Massachusetts Institute of Technology (6886 bytes) (2021-02-16)
Applying quantum computing to a particle process - DOE/Lawrence Berkeley National Laborator (4756 bytes) (2021-02-16)
Spontaneous quantum error correction demonstrated - University of Massachusetts Amherst (3516 bytes) (2021-02-16)
New machine learning theory raises questions about nature of science - DOE/Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (6508 bytes) (2021-02-16)
Design progresses for MIT Schwarzman College of Computing building on Vassar Str - Terri Park (4762 bytes) (2021-02-03)
“I know what you bought at Chipotle” - Kim Strampel (3908 bytes) (2021-02-03)
Neural network has learned to identify tree species - Tech Xplore (1710 bytes) (2021-02-03)
Scientists develop method to detect fake news - University of Göttingen (2233 bytes) (2021-02-03)
How the brain is programmed for computer programming? - Nara Institute of Science and Technology (3060 bytes) (2021-02-03)
A new model of influence maximization - Singapore University of Technology and D (2869 bytes) (2021-01-19)
AI algorithm over 70% accurate at guessing a personp~ps political orientation - Bob Yirka (2437 bytes) (2021-01-19)
Engineers create hybrid chips with processors and memory to run AI on battery-po - Stanford School of Engineering (3954 bytes) (2021-01-19)
One-dimensional quantum nanowires fertile ground for Majorana zero modes - ARC Centre of Excellence in Future Low-E (3962 bytes) (2021-01-19)
Tweaking AI software to function like a human brain improves computerp~ps learni - Georgetown University Medical Center (3380 bytes) (2021-01-19)
New research shows machine learning could lop a year off technology design cycle - Sandia National Laboratories (4391 bytes) (2021-01-06)
New module for OpenAI GPT-3 creates unique images from text - Bob Yirka (1981 bytes) (2021-01-06)
Teaching AI agents to type on a Braille keyboard - Ingrid Fadelli (4484 bytes) (2021-01-06)
Machine learning at the speed of light: New paper demonstrates use of photonic s - Maggie Pavlick (4479 bytes) (2021-01-06)
Important milestone in the creation of a quantum computer - Faculty of Science (5842 bytes) (2021-01-06)
Public cameras provide valuable insights on pandemic, consumers - Chris Adam (2186 bytes) (2020-12-26)
Researchers reveal link between cryptocurrency coding and market behavior - City University London (3507 bytes) (2020-12-26)
Developing a better way to address vulnerabilities at the source-code level - James Badham (5419 bytes) (2020-12-26)
Exploring the notion of shortcut learning in deep neural networks - Ingrid Fadelli (5893 bytes) (2020-12-26)
Tiny quantum computer solves real optimization problem - Chalmers University of Technology (4356 bytes) (2020-12-26)
Scientists create entangled photons 100 times more efficiently than previously p - Stevens Institute of Technology (3374 bytes) (2020-12-26)
Big step with small whirls - Swiss Federal Laboratories (5662 bytes) (2020-12-26)
New machine learning tool tracks urban traffic congestion - DOE/Pacific Northwest National Laborator (5672 bytes) (2020-12-12)
Self-learning algorithms for different imaging datasets - DKFZ (3399 bytes) (2020-12-12)
Split wave: Component for neuromorphic computer - Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (4880 bytes) (2020-12-12)
Hidden symmetry could be key to more robust quantum systems - University of Cambridge (4105 bytes) (2020-12-12)
p~pThe robot made me do itp~p: Robots encourage risk-taking behavior in people - University of Southampton (3149 bytes) (2020-12-12)
Exploring the use of artificial intelligence in architecture - ngrid Fadelli (8204 bytes) (2020-12-02)
Living with autonomous systems p~pwe can trustp~p - University of Texas at Austin (5263 bytes) (2020-12-02)
New lab-on-a-chip infection test could provide cheaper, faster portable diagnost - Imperial College London (3867 bytes) (2020-12-02)
Worldp~ps smallest atom-memory unit created - University of Texas at Austin (3238 bytes) (2020-12-02)
Next step in simulating the universe - University of Tsukuba (2312 bytes) (2020-12-02)
Misinformation or artifact: A new way to think about machine learning - Jeannie Kever (4207 bytes) (2020-11-24)
New study outlines steps higher education should take to prepare a new quantum w - Rochester Institute of Technology (2889 bytes) (2020-11-24)
Landing a job isnp~pt always the right goal - University of Copenhagen (4531 bytes) (2020-11-24)
AI teachers must be effective and communicate well to be accepted - University of Central Florida (2789 bytes) (2020-11-24)
Computer model can predict how COVID-19 spreads in cities - Stanford School of Engineering (6867 bytes) (2020-11-24)