AI-based typing biometrics might be authenticationp~ps next big thing - Lucian Constantin (7890 bytes) (2017-01-27)
Scotiabank seeks advantage over rivals with new fintech space - Solarina Ho and Matt Scuffham (2025 bytes) (2017-01-27)
Cloud boosts Microsoft as it absorbs LinkedIn - Satya (1938 bytes) (2017-01-27)
Apple Joining Google, Amazon, Facebook on Artificial Intelligence - Jef Cozza (3060 bytes) (2017-01-27)
Facebook Tweaks Its p~pTrending Topicsp~p Algorithm To Better Reflect Real News - Laura Sydell (4315 bytes) (2017-01-26)
New startup investments aim to stem Canadian tech brain drain - Solarina Ho and Matt Scuffham (2489 bytes) (2017-01-26)
IBM brings Googlep~ps AI tools to its powerful computers - Agam Shah (3616 bytes) (2017-01-26)
Xiaomi exec Barra joins Facebook to lead virtual reality business - Xi (1159 bytes) (2017-01-26)
Making distributed storage highly consistent - IMDEA Networks Institute (5411 bytes) (2017-01-25)
Microsoft victory in overseas email seizure case is upheld - Peter (3079 bytes) (2017-01-25)
D-Wave doubles down on its qubits - Sharon Gaudin (3649 bytes) (2017-01-25)
Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerbergp~ps charity buys AI startup to battle disease - PTI (2316 bytes) (2017-01-24)
Who Gets to Patent Inventions Made by AI? - Casey C. Sullivan (3674 bytes) (2017-01-24)
Why Google’s Sergey Brin changed his tune on AI - Paul Krill (1893 bytes) (2017-01-24)
How Facebook Leverages Artificial Intelligence - Danny Vena (4968 bytes) (2017-01-22)
Oxford University academic Andrew Richards joins Diamond Light Source, Harwell, - Pete Hughes (1612 bytes) (2017-01-22)
Amazon Web Service Passes Google on Most Popular List - Matt Day (1937 bytes) (2017-01-20)
Robot reporter gets first article published in China - Sharon Gaudin (2882 bytes) (2017-01-20)
Reasons You Need Developers With Cybersecurity Skills in All Tech Teams - Istvan Lam (3020 bytes) (2017-01-18)
Algorithmic Price Fixing, Amazon Variations - John Holbo (3108 bytes) (2017-01-17)
Whatp~ps Next for Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning? - Gedalyah Reback (5255 bytes) (2017-01-17)
Baidu hires Microsoft expert in artificial intelligence push - Baidu (1091 bytes) (2017-01-17)
Whatp~ps Next for Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning? - Gedalyah Reback (5255 bytes) (2017-01-16)
How serverless computing could help enterprises cut cloud complexity - Clive Longbottom (5832 bytes) (2017-01-13)
Why Amazon is the current king of the virtual assistants - Matt Kapko (5476 bytes) (2017-01-13)
How Applep~ps culture of secrecy wears down its top developers - Julie Bort (4364 bytes) (2017-01-13)
Facebook has a mysterious team working on tech that sounds a lot like mind readi - Alex Heath (4155 bytes) (2017-01-12)
IBM Watson, FDA to explore blockchain for secure patient data exchange - Lucas Mearian (5831 bytes) (2017-01-11)
Professionally designed ransomware Spora might be the next big thing - Lucian Constantin (5341 bytes) (2017-01-11)
Tech luminaries team up on $27M AI ethics fund - Blair Hanley Frank (2158 bytes) (2017-01-11)
Qualcomm Technology Helps Drones Learn About Their Environments - April Glaser (2609 bytes) (2017-01-11)
IBMp~ps CEO Explains Why the Computing Giant Bought Promontory - Kevin Wack (1637 bytes) (2017-01-10)
At LinkedIn, artificial intelligence is like ‘oxygen’ - Queenie Wong (8280 bytes) (2017-01-09)
The future of car tech: getting to know you - Chrysler (3501 bytes) (2017-01-09)
1 Company Is Already Winning AI - Danny Vena (7785 bytes) (2017-01-09)
A Japanese insurance firm replaced 30 workers with IBMp~ps artificial intelligen - Justin McCurry (3387 bytes) (2017-01-06)
The Honda NeuV concept car is a glimpse into the companyp~ps future - Magdalena Petrova (1563 bytes) (2017-01-06)
If you donp~pt fail sometimes, you are not being ambitious enough: Sundar Pichai - Kim Arora & Vikas Singh (4477 bytes) (2017-01-06)
Toyota exec: p~pWe are not even closep~p to fully self-driving cars - Danielle Muoio (5541 bytes) (2017-01-05)
Next 5 years AI, IoT and nanotech will literally change the way we see the world - Michael Cooney (7328 bytes) (2017-01-05)
Who Owns IP Rights in the Age of Artificial Intelligence? - Jeremy Cubert (4558 bytes) (2017-01-05)