Patrick Madden, a computer scientist who hopes to bring an p~pengineering mind-s - Melissa Healy (3599 bytes) (2017-06-15)
U.S. weighs restricting Chinese investment in artificial intelligence - Phil Stewart (8426 bytes) (2017-06-14)
146,000 cameras monitor Moscow streets. And the government is just getting start - Matt McFarland (5014 bytes) (2017-06-14)
Alleged Russian hack reveals a deeply flawed election system - Frank Bajak (5646 bytes) (2017-06-12)
Leaked NSA doc highlights deep flaws in US election system - FRANK BAJAK and RAPHAEL SATTER (3053 bytes) (2017-06-08)
Crime mapping identifies burglary p~phot spotsp~p in Savannah - Sean Evans (1915 bytes) (2017-06-08)
Against Mencius Moldbug’s ‘Neoreaction’ - Jason Lee Steorts (17007 bytes) (2017-06-05)
Chinap~ps New Cybersecurity Law Carries Death Penalty For Some Offenses - HKT (2282 bytes) (2017-06-05)
Exploring the use of algorithms in the criminal justice system - Vignesh Ramachandran (7941 bytes) (2017-06-01)
Chinese fans trash blackout as Google AI wins again - Dan Martin (3531 bytes) (2017-05-30)
U.S. p~pNarcissisticp~p Over Spy Killing Story: Eye on Chinese Media - Yinan (1832 bytes) (2017-05-22)
Massive cyberattack targeting 99 countries causes sweeping havoc - Jethro (5675 bytes) (2017-05-15)
India sees few major problems from cyberattack - Kaspersky Lab (5285 bytes) (2017-05-15)
Ex-UN chief Annan is worried about lost jobs and leadership - Andrew Denney (800 bytes) (2017-05-12)
Why Edward Snowden loves open source - Brandon Butler (3099 bytes) (2017-05-10)
Turkey’s new indigenous p~pkamikazep~p drones set to be used in anti-terror ops, - ANKARA (2261 bytes) (2017-05-08)
China is bent on world domination — but not in the way you think - Steven Overly (5387 bytes) (2017-05-08)
Computer Science research may help cities bounce back quicker from disaster - Okanagan College (3774 bytes) (2017-05-04)
In Europe’s election season, tech vies to fight fake news - Andreas Vlachos (4586 bytes) (2017-05-02)
Managing disease spread through accessible modeling - Los Alamos National Laboratory (4795 bytes) (2017-04-25)
p~pBrain wastep~p costing America billions, but could this tiny loan help? - Lois M. Collins (13024 bytes) (2017-04-24)
Experts Offer SOS Immediate GA6 Verifiable Election Help - Garland Favorito (2617 bytes) (2017-04-24)
Murder on Facebook raises big censorship questions - Angelo Young (2833 bytes) (2017-04-21)
NSAp~ps powerful Windows hacking tools leaked online - SELENA LARSON (3910 bytes) (2017-04-17)
Outer-space hacking a top concern for NASAp~ps cybersecurity chief - NAFEESA SYEED (4737 bytes) (2017-04-13)
Using randomness to protect election integrity - Eugene Vorobeychik (7769 bytes) (2017-04-10)
Web inventor: Internet should p~ppromote truthp~p - SELENA LARSON (2846 bytes) (2017-04-05)
Trump administration slams China over trade issues - WaPo (456 bytes) (2017-03-31)
Donp~pt forget the p~pkiller robots,p~p feds told amid artificial intelligence p - Andy Blatchford (5921 bytes) (2017-03-31)
MIT experts urge Trump administration to take immediate action on cybersecurity - Adam Conner-Simons (4324 bytes) (2017-03-30)
FBIp~ps Face Recognition Database Out of Date? - Olivia Solon (5514 bytes) (2017-03-29)
Feds to battle cybersecurity with analytics - Kenneth Corbin (5106 bytes) (2017-03-29)
Algorithm can predict Twitter users’ political leanings - Neal Augenstein (1168 bytes) (2017-03-27)
Profiting from the fight against corruption - University of Montreal (3672 bytes) (2017-03-24)
Early warning system for mass cyber attacks - Saarland University (2988 bytes) (2017-03-21)
Stephen Hawking: p~pI fear that I may not be welcomep~p in Trumpp~ps America - Matt Dunham (5063 bytes) (2017-03-21)
Russian bank claims effort to frame it for connections to Trump Organization - JOSE PAGLIERY (6880 bytes) (2017-03-20)
New multi-device system for handling emergencies with information from social ne - Carlos III University of Madrid (5856 bytes) (2017-03-15)
NSA, DOE say Chinap~ps supercomputing advances put U.S. at risk - Patrick Thibodeau (5359 bytes) (2017-03-15)
Worldwide web inventor Tim Berners-Leep~ps biggest concerns: privacy, fake news - Mark Wilson (5041 bytes) (2017-03-13)
How much are vendor security assurances worth after the CIA leaks? - Lucian Constantin (5301 bytes) (2017-03-13)