Professors build AI to help autonomous vehicles locate themselves on maps - New York University (5229 bytes) (2017-02-17)
Could Artificial Intelligence Hold The Key To Predicting Earthquakes? - Johnson (2037 bytes) (2017-02-17)
New reliable technique to track web users across browsers - Lehigh University (3120 bytes) (2017-02-16)
Computational methods applied to big datasets are compelling tools for historica - Max Planck Institute for the Science of (4554 bytes) (2017-02-16)
Towards equal access to digital coins - University of Luxembourg (4465 bytes) (2017-02-16)
7 features Linux could borrow from other systems - Bryan Lunduke (5138 bytes) (2017-02-16)
How machine learning is changing crime-solving tactics - Syracuse University (3532 bytes) (2017-02-13)
A new open source dataset links human motion and language - Mary Ann Liebert, Inc (2148 bytes) (2017-02-13)
The Internet and your brain are more alike than you think - Salk Institute (4621 bytes) (2017-02-10)
Modifying the p~pmiddle endp~p of a popular compiler yields more-efficient paral - Larry Hardesty (8770 bytes) (2017-02-09)
Will Algorithms Erode Our Decision-Making Skills? - Cecilia Mazanec (4910 bytes) (2017-02-09)
How to improve data management in the supercomputers of the future - Carlos III University of Madrid (2835 bytes) (2017-02-08)
When datap~ps deep, dark places need to be illuminated - University of Texas at Austin (15539 bytes) (2017-02-08)
Computational methods applied to big datasets are compelling tools for historica - Johann (5988 bytes) (2017-02-08)
Complex 3D data on all devices - Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft (4640 bytes) (2017-02-07)
AI and the Ghost in the Machine - Cameron Coward (17766 bytes) (2017-02-07)
‘Robots will overtake humans and no job will be safe’ - Calum Chace (2221 bytes) (2017-02-06)
Analysis software uses algorithms to visualize complex learning processes - Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft (4872 bytes) (2017-02-01)
What are the minds of non-human creatures really like? - Becky Allen (10413 bytes) (2017-02-01)
Optimized compiler yields more-efficient parallel programs - Massachusetts Institute of Technology (7519 bytes) (2017-02-01)
The Beginning Of A New Age For Artificial Intelligence - Brandon Purcell (2819 bytes) (2017-01-31)
Is a master algorithm the solution to our machine learning problems? - Hassaan Ahmed (11293 bytes) (2017-01-31)
MIT Economists Are Combating Groupthink With Algorithms - Ephrat Livni (4395 bytes) (2017-01-30)
Artificial intelligence uncovers new insight into biophysics of cancer - Tufts University (6389 bytes) (2017-01-27)
Finding credibility clues on Twitter - Georgia Institute of Technology (3108 bytes) (2017-01-27)
Artificial intelligence uncovers new insight into biophysics of cancer - Tufts University (6631 bytes) (2017-01-27)
Faster websites with fewer bugs - Larry Hardesty (5963 bytes) (2017-01-26)
Passing the chemical Turing test: Making artificial and real cells talk - American Chemical Society (1358 bytes) (2017-01-25)
Mummy visualization impresses in computer journal - Linköping Universitet (3897 bytes) (2017-01-24)
System links data scattered across files, for easy querying - Massachusetts Institute of Technology (4598 bytes) (2017-01-23)
Just raise your brow, SARA will get you - Agencies (1241 bytes) (2017-01-23)
Artificial intelligence makes shocking advance - Mike Wehner (2208 bytes) (2017-01-22)
Soon, AI systems that see world as humans do - Psychological Review (3041 bytes) (2017-01-22)
Faster websites with fewer bugs - Larry Hardesty (5965 bytes) (2017-01-20)
System finds and links related data scattered across digital files, for easy que - Larry Hardesty (4962 bytes) (2017-01-20)
Making AI systems that see the world as humans do - Amanda Morris (3684 bytes) (2017-01-19)
Suggestions for you: A better, faster recommendation algorithm - John German (3055 bytes) (2017-01-18)
Making big data manageable - Larry Hardesty (6536 bytes) (2017-01-18)
Facebook will filter p~pfake newsp~p in Germany - Kif Leswing (1884 bytes) (2017-01-16)
From fiction to fact: the cybercrime threats of the future - Jason (5425 bytes) (2017-01-16)
New AI algorithm taught by humans learns beyond its training - University of Toronto (2920 bytes) (2017-01-13)