New AI algorithm taught by humans learns beyond its training - University of Toronto (2920 bytes) (2017-01-13)
Classic video game system used to improve understanding of the brain - PLOS (3156 bytes) (2017-01-13)
Artificial-intelligence system surfs web to improve its performance - Larry Hardesty (5402 bytes) (2017-01-12)
Training computers to differentiate between people with the same name - Indiana University-Purdue University (4938 bytes) (2017-01-12)
Top poker pros face off vs. artificial intelligence - Byron Spice And Garrett Allen (8676 bytes) (2017-01-11)
Scientists use a gaming algorithm to enhance a DNA sequencing Android app - A*STAR (2531 bytes) (2017-01-11)
An ecological invasion mimics a drunken walk - Penn State (3729 bytes) (2017-01-10)
11 predictions for the future of programming - Peter Wayner (14700 bytes) (2017-01-09)
Improvements to a decision-making algorithm - University of Electro-Communications (2130 bytes) (2017-01-05)
Network traffic anomaly detection - University of Electro-Communications (1936 bytes) (2017-01-05)
Artificial Intelligence Still No Match For Confucius - John Derbyshire (2179 bytes) (2017-01-03)
Battling the Tyranny of Big Data - Mark Buchanan (4707 bytes) (2017-01-03)
How can PGP short key IDs be protected from collision attacks? - Michael Cobb (3819 bytes) (2017-01-03)
Researcher proposes parallel Intelligence, a move toward the intelligent future - Fei-Yue Wang (2692 bytes) (2016-12-30)
Computer scientists find p~pinexact computingp~p can improve answers - Jade Boyd (4932 bytes) (2016-12-30)
New data-mining strategy that offers unprecedented pattern search speed could gl - King Abdullah University of Science and (2840 bytes) (2016-12-30)
Learning words from pictures - Larry Hardesty (7158 bytes) (2016-12-29)
Foiling cyberattackers with rerandomization - Dorothy Ryan (5000 bytes) (2016-12-29)
Making big data manageable - Larry Hardesty (6536 bytes) (2016-12-29)
Improvements to a decision-making algorithm - University of Electro-Communications (2005 bytes) (2016-12-27)
Tool to understand spread of fake news launched - Indiana University (5720 bytes) (2016-12-23)
The worldp~ps first demonstration of spintronics-based artificial intelligence - Tohoku University (2378 bytes) (2016-12-22)
Researchers develop new approach for better big data prediction - Adeline Lo et al. (4192 bytes) (2016-12-21)
Technique shrinks data sets for easier analysis - Massachusetts Institute of Technology (6559 bytes) (2016-12-16)
15 Artificial Intelligence Predictions for 2017 - Ellie Burns (11368 bytes) (2016-12-14)
AI Ethics Effort Starts at IEE - Rick Merritt (2768 bytes) (2016-12-14)
At the edge of a cognitive space - ensselaer Polytechnic Institute (6409 bytes) (2016-12-13)
Report proposes standards for sharing data and code used in computational studie - University of Illinois at Urbana-Champai (3067 bytes) (2016-12-13)
MIT develops AI system that predicts how a scene will play out - Mechanical (1812 bytes) (2016-12-12)
Malware turns PCs into eavesdropping devices - Ben-Gurion University of the Negev (3084 bytes) (2016-12-08)
New approach may open up speech recognition to more languages - Massachusetts Institute of Technology (6426 bytes) (2016-12-08)
Game theory can help protect against terrorist attacks - Wiley (720 bytes) (2016-12-06)
Accelerando: once you teach a computer to see, it can teach itself to hear - Yusuf Aytar, Carl Vondrick, Antonio Torr (1069 bytes) (2016-12-06)
Suggestions for you: A better, faster recommendation algorithm - Santa Fe Institute (2748 bytes) (2016-12-05)
New algorithm could explain human face recognition - Massachusetts Institute of Technology (6861 bytes) (2016-12-05)
Artificial intelligence, instrumental convergence, and photos of cats - Mark Gibbs (7986 bytes) (2016-12-05)
Making better use of the crowd - Microsoft (2750 bytes) (2016-12-02)
As machine learning breakthroughs abound, researchers look to democratize benefi - Allison Linn (8138 bytes) (2016-12-02)
New software continuously scrambles code to foil cyber attacks - Columbia University School of Engineerin (4237 bytes) (2016-12-02)
How the brain recognizes faces: Machine-learning system spontaneously reproduces - Larry Hardesty (7283 bytes) (2016-12-01)
Suggestions for you: A better, faster recommendation algorithm - John German (3155 bytes) (2016-12-01)